Should you have a website support contract?

Lizz Clarke • 15 August 2022

People often tell me they're frustrated with their website support

I was prompted to write this because last week, yet another client told me she was frustrated at how long it takes her web company to make changes to her site. 'Sometimes it can take weeks," she exclaimed, "and it inhibits my attempts to develop my business the way I want to."

A website support contract

My first question is always about the what support the existing supplier has put in place for the client. Whilst the LCM team loves to take over and provide web services to our clients, it's not always in their or our best interests to move it to LCM, when it might just be a lack of understanding of what's available from the incumbent.  Most people tell me they don't know what their monthly fee covers, and I have empathy with that.  If you are paying a monthly fee and are not sure if you have a service level agreement, then simply ask to see a copy of what you're paying for.

If you're not paying a monthly fee, or a very small one that's probably for hosting, you almost certainly don't have a support contract in place.  You need a conversation with the provider to find out if there is a mechanism whereby you can pay them to update the site.

Let's assume you do have support in place. I's important you know what 'update' means. In most cases, it means a standard technical update to ensure all the software, plug-ins etc are the latest versions.  It's different from 'amendments', which mean changes to content on your site. It would make sense to find out what your support covers relative to these terms.

Website support service level agreement

Ideally, you will have a full support contract in place, which guarantees certain standards. This might be monthly checks and technical updates, and an agreed number of amendments to the copy on your site guaranteed within a certain timescale.

Ideally your supplier will have a ticketing system, so you can keep track of things between you.

Copy and pictures - what amendments can I expect?

You shouldn't expect your web supplier to write copy for you, or to find photographs and illustrations unless that's part of the service.  If it is, then that's fantastic. If not, then you need to make it clear what changes you want, make sure everything is spelt correctly with good grammar, and you probably need to supply pictures. If you have done this, and you have agreed the timescale by when the amendments will be made, then you should expect it to be done on time, 100% correctly.

What if your business needs much more support than this?

It's important to recognise that there are lots of different types of web supplier. Most are very small, with team members highly trained in technology and not focused so much on how a site looks and feels. Others are graphic designers first and foremost, and they have added tech to their skill set Their sites are likely to be much easier on the eye. You very often find partnerships between technical and design professionals which are usually brilliant.

When it comes to support, though, this might well be secondary.

I am very proud of our support provision. Most of our clients find it really easy to update their own sites, but quickly get to the point where they haven't got time and find it easier to leave it to us.

We supply them with necessary regular updates, and a ticketing system for unlimited monthly amendments guaranteed to be made within two working days unless otherwise notified. We also provide a free library of photographs ready-sized to look superb on the site, and we can also provide copywriting services if needed.

If you'd like to know more, simply contact me directly on or complete our online form.

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