The Four Step Branding Process - Step 2: Create your brand manual

Lizz Clarke • 7 February 2020

Review the outcomes of the brand workshop and pull all your ideas together

In our last blog post we examined the reasons why branding is important to business, and looked at the first step in creating and establishing a new brand: holding a brandingworkshop to tease out the DNA of the company and discover the building blocks for the visual imagery and brand messaging.

Once the workshop has taken place, the second stage in brand development is to take all of the ideas, colours, messaging and wording which came out of the workshop and use it to create the brand manual.

The brand manual is the guide book which highlights all of the key elements which will go to make up your unique business identity which include:

  • Brand strapline
  • DNA and values
  • Brand mission
  • Brand promises

1. Brand strapline

The business strapline is one of the most important aspects of business branding. It normally appears with the logo and is how customers identify with the brand. Most world-renowned companies have straplines which are instantly recognisable, such as Nike's – Just Do It. This is a great example of how to enable a customer to relate to the brand emotionally rather than logically.

A good strapline should be simple but effective and needs to appeal to the customer by giving them something they want to aspire for or be part of. It’s important not to try to be too clever or corny – simple is better.

2. Brand DNA

Identifying your brand DNA, which uncovers the business' values, means you can define and shape your organisation and the way you operate. It is the essential backbone for the rest of the branding elements. If you can clearly identify and define what your brand values are, then your staff and your customers will find it much easier to identify with the business, to feel part of it, and have an emotional connection to it.

Values will help to differentiate the business from competitors and should be a clearly visible part of the company branding, published on the website for open transparency. Values should also be upheld – it’s vital that every aspect of the business is delivered in line with them.

3. Brand mission

The brand mission should be short and bold, stating the difference which the company intends to make in the world. It’s aim is to motivate employees and customers and clearly define the purpose of the company.

The brand mission should come out of the work carried out in the branding workshop, pulling together the crux of what the business aims to achieve. It should be clear, ambitious and action-focused to inspire motivation.

4. Brand promises

The brand promises are the final elements which make up the brand manual. These promises outline exactly the experience which every single customer can expect to receive from the business.

The more the company can deliver on these promises, the more the customers will believe in the brand values and trust the company to stay true to its word. Brand promises can help to support and enhance the business reputation and bring the values to life.

Once the branding manual has been created, the business will be ready to move to the third step in the branding process – which is developing the Brand Identity. At this stage – which will be the subject of our next blog in more detail – the business will take the brand manual and start to work on the visual elements of the brand.

If you would like to speak to our branding experts or book a brand workshop for your business then please do give us a call or send us an email about your requirements today. Telephone 01489 891870 or email

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