Website Management Struggles...and how to overcome them

Lizz Clarke • 13 August 2020

Avoid website overwhelm with our helpful hints

Do you have a website already out there? One that you maybe set up a couple of years ago? Are you plagued with problems and don’t know where to start to try and fix them? You’re not alone! 

It is a common misconception that once a website is created and live, the hard work stops there. In fact, websites require proper maintenance and a regular overview to check everything is working like clockwork.  

We’ve said it once and we will say it again, your website is the heart of your online presence. It must look good and be user friendly and work on ALL devices. Which leads us to the first of our website management struggles… 

Your website doesn’t look good/work on a mobile 

A poor user experience on a mobile will be both frustrating for your audience and damaging to your business. It will hinder everything you are trying to achieve by having an online presence. So many of us are reaching for our mobiles to look at a webpage or search for a service, that it is paramount that your information and messages deliver just as well through PC screen, a mobile device and a tablet.  

It might be that your website is past its best and hosted on a platform that isn’t set up for the modern way we scroll and search. Remember, mobile devices have smaller screens, slower data connections and in general lower bandwidths. All points of consideration if you’re having to redesign to ensure mobile optimisation on your website.  


Outdated website design 

Nothing will make your website stand out for all the wrong reasons, more than an out of date web design. What was acceptable five years ago will not be the most effective design today. Technology moves on quickly and you need to be able to keep up with the pace and move with the times.  

A regular review of your website will ensure it is continually working for your audience and not against it. A change in web design might be necessary to better reflect your brand and show you are up there with the best of them.  


You don’t have enough content or a strategy to create it 

If you don’t have a plan, the content you create won’t flow or lead your audience to the end goal. All the information, images, contact details and services offered may be there on your website but if they are not delivered in a way that that makes the audience journey a straightforward one, you will lose their attention and ultimately lose out.  

A content marketing plan and a digital marketing strategy to drive visitors to your website is essential. A well thought through content strategy that gives your audience all the information they need to make a well-informed decision can and will boost enquiries and sales. The better the information, the more likely the visitor will return and if they don’t buy straight away, will buy in the future. 


Search Engine Optimisation isn’t working for your website  

There is no point having a lovely website if you don’t appear in search results, and no one sees all the fantastic things you have to offer. Your website needs to be visible and the importance of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) cannot be underestimated.  

If you have fallen into any of the website management struggles already listed above, then a website redesign might be on the cards. But, before you go any further, it is important to note that a change in website can negatively impact on your SEO and should be carefully managed but if handled correctly, it can boost your SEO strength. Seek guidance to ensure you don’t slip up here - the team at LCM can help from guiding you through the changes that needs to be made to managing a whole website redesign project if that’s what’s needed.  


Your competitors use AdWords to drive traffic to their site and you don’t 

One of most certain ways of gaining new site visitors is to use AdWords and other forms of Pay Per Click advertising. Are you worried about how much it will cost? Have you tried it and had your fingers burned?  

This area of digital marketing has become pretty sophisticated, and it is worth employing a specialist to do it for you. But this must be someone who can demonstrate to you that they will do the work they promise, and that they have a good track record. You need to spend time with them to ensure they set it up effectively and a regular report and call with them to make sure your money is being spent to best effect. Let us know if you wish to talk to us about this. 


Analytics – Is website visitor tracking a mystery? 

You are live, your SEO is in place, you have AdWords up and running, you have a strategy, updated website and a site that converts well to mobile BUT you’re not sure how many people are actually visiting your website! Without the tools to measure the traffic to your website it is simply ‘sitting pretty’. It is so important to have the know-how to analyse where traffic is being driven from, how your audience is behaving once they arrive at your website and the journey they take when they get there. Analytics will be your new best friend and without it, the user experience of your audience is a guessing game.  


How can LCM help you? 

If any of the above rings true and you don’t know where to start in managing your website please get in touch with us by calling 01489 891870 or emailing us at  

We will work with you to find the best possible solutions to the problems you’re having and ensure you have the tools and know how going forward. From website redesign, analytics and the best landing pages in the business to tailoring your client’s user experience through the wonder of AI. 

 We’ve got you covered!  

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