Are you making the most of your analytics to boost sales?

Lizz Clarke • 5 June 2020

Your analytics can provide mission-critical insights

Do you know all of your business numbers? We are not talking your income or profit and loss figures, but your website visitor data and your social media analytics data. These numbers can provide mission-critical insights for growing and adapting your company, but many businesses overlook them, or think that ‘their web people will have it in hand’. 

The data behind visits to your website, downloads and uses of your apps, opening of emails and social media engagement can all deliver invaluable information about the behaviour of customers and potential new customers.

You can use analytics to assess your audience’s behaviour, find out what aspects of your business they are most interested in, and adjust your communications to be more customer-centric – after all data-driven marketing is here, and it’s only going to get more important. 

Analytics can show which products on your website are being viewed and purchased the most, which content is being shared widely on social media and which is not being read, and can help to shape and drive your whole business forward. 

The other key way in which analytics can help to boost sales is by looking at how customers find your site and which pages they come to first on your site. That knowledge helps you to optimise those pages and to adjust your SEO marketing strategy if appropriate. 

This kind of knowledge is invaluable when it comes to growing your customer base and acquiring new customers regularly, to provide your business with a strong pipeline, helping to boost potential ongoing sales. 

Analytics can also be used to improve the customer experience on your site by showing you where they enter and leave it, what they download or buy, and what they don’t bother with. You can follow their journeys to help adapt and update, improving conversion. 

Social media analytics can be used to adapt and adjust your marketing campaign and communications. It’s not just about how many likes you get, but how people are engaging with your content. How often your posts are being shared is an indication of how broadly your brand messaging is reaching new audiences. 

If people are engaging more with certain topics, then you can be assured these are the areas which interest your customers so you can adjust your content and communications accordingly, to add value by proving you understand what they want.  

Improving the customer journey through your website can increase conversions, while making your content more relevant and shareable, can increase the amount of shares and the amount of people who see it. Both of these actions will lead to more potential sales for your business. 

Analytics can be undervalued by businesses, which tend to focus on likes and open rates as a very basic assessment. However, deep analytical data can provide an enormous insight into customers and would-be customers’ behaviour. 

How can LCM help?

If you would like to make the best of analytics to help boost sales in your business, but don’t really know where to start, then give us a call at LCM Marketing and we can get our analytics experts to carry out an in-depth assessment and report on all of your business data. 

Telephone 01489 891870 or email

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