Educate young people with videos of your workplace

Lizz Clarke • 22 May 2020

Young people are concerned about their futures and what jobs will be available for them when they leave education. They feel cut off. You can help by working with the charity EBP to interact with them and teach them about your world.

EBP South /Basingstoke Consortium is a local charity with a mission to inspire and prepare young people for the world of work. Our MD Lizz Clarke is one of the charity's Trustees, and is passionate about what they do.

EPB is asking for your help to highlight and explore career opportunities in your business, by producing short videos that could inform and inspire students.

Earlier during Lockdown, the charity setup a YouTube channel to engage and support students across the Hampshire area with online information, for different industries and career paths. The links are being sent out to students from schools:-

If you think you could record yourself and produce a short video to inspire and highlight careers in your business, please get in touch to discuss further or use the guidance below to produce and send in your videos to:

Alternatively if you would be prepared to share your experience on a video call as a Q and A session contact EBP directly to organise this.

Guidance for Videos:

If you (or members of your team) are able to record a short video clip about yourself and your career we would be very grateful to receive this. We can put it together, host and deliver it via our YouTube Channel. Please see below for some guidelines:

Individuals can record themselves at home or in the work place answering one or more of the questions below (ideally 3 or more to give an informative insight). EBP suggests 3-4 minutes in total. No specialist skills or video software required, a laptop or computer with a webcam and a free piece of software such as Camera (on windows machines would be fantastic). EBP will come back to you prior to publishing any content to confirm you are happy with the content.

Below is a list of suggested questions you could consider including in your video clip:

Questions for the video

  • What is your current job and what is the most enjoyable part of it?
  • How did you get into this career?
  • How could I get into this career and what qualifications would I need?
  • What is the biggest challenge you have faced and how did you overcome it?
  • What has been the most rewarding thing you have achieved in your career?
  • If you could change anything about your career journey what would it be and why?
  • What are your top three tips for getting into this career?

Thank you from all EBP's young people for your help and support at this time.

Thanks also to Gerd Almann for the use of your image on this post.

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